
Hunger. It is the bane of productivity and the fuel of human horribleness. Today when I woke up, I had hunger in my veins. So, to avoid chaos from ensuing I took a stroll to the dining hall around 11:00 pm. There, I ate their lunch menu. However, for me it was actually breakfast. Because as implied by the word, I was breaking my fast. You could even break your fast with the so-called “dinner”. It feels to me like the etymology of the meals of the day are broken. In a sense, breakfast is a word relative to when you eat after a prolonged period of time. It perplexes me when someone says they only eat lunch, when logically they are consuming breakfast. Breakfast is often associated with eggs, toast, sugary cereals, pancakes, and other carbs in the US. So in another sense, if we disregard the logical definition of breakfast and accept it to be a misnomer for an arbitrary food category, we can create a venn diagram of the food groups consumed during the three institutionally recommended meals of the day. In the US, based on my own experience growing up in Northern California, meals seem to supply denser proteins the closer the hour is to bedtime. No one is eating a vegetable salad past 1:00 am; this is backed by science. The meal roster resets specifically 4:00 am. Why 4:00 am? We have to consider the late bedtimes of those boys and girls nights out, eating food from the "dinner" category, which in Berkeley is most often pizza and burritos. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, self proclaimed early bird, is the first human being eating scrambled eggs post those wee hours; a food located in the “breakfast” category, and is relatively light compared to the next two meal groups. As the day progresses past 4:00 am, most people will wake at a more reasonable hour and feast their first meal, for some it will be food from the “breakfast” category, others will eat food from the heftier “lunch” category. Those among us who have found a more balanced schedule will even eat both meals. Regardless, “dinner” is the heaviest meal of the day if you are not vegetarian or vegan. Make sure to enjoy your food, invite a friend, but don't eat them. See you.